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20 Standing Committee

European Parliament Committees

20 Standing Committee

The European Parliament has the power to set up committees as it sees fit and currently has 20 standing committees. Each committee is responsible for a specific policy area, such as foreign affairs, economic and monetary affairs, or civil liberties, justice and home affairs. Standing committees are permanent and are responsible for the preparation of reports on legislative proposals and other matters within their competence.


In addition to standing committees, the European Parliament can also set up sub-committees to deal with specific issues. Sub-committees are temporary and are dissolved once their work is completed.

Special Committees

The European Parliament can also set up special committees to investigate specific issues. Special committees are temporary and are dissolved once their work is completed.

Composition of Committees

Committees consist of between 25 and 88 MEPs and have a chair, a bureau, and a secretariat. The chair is responsible for leading the committee's work and ensuring that it operates in accordance with the Parliament's Rules of Procedure. The bureau is responsible for the day-to-day management of the committee, while the secretariat provides administrative support.

Role of Committees

Committees play a vital role in the European Parliament's legislative process. They are responsible for examining legislative proposals and preparing reports on them. These reports are then voted on by the full Parliament.

List of Committees

For a full list of the European Parliament's committees, please visit the Parliament's website.
